A drawing of a relaxed fluffy cat

Draw for the Kitties, this Friday!

I’m going livestream cat sketches by donation! This Friday 6.2 at 8pm PST!

For a few years now I’ve been fostering cats through an organization called VOKRA (Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue). This year I’m participating in their annual walkathon! I thought it would be fun to also do some sketches to thank those who took the time to donate.

Infographic showing the different donation rewards

How to get a cat sketch:

STEP 1: Make a donation directly to VORKA at my campaign page

STEP 2: Send me an email jam @ jammyness . com :

  • Include “Draw4Kitties” in the subject line
  • Include a screenshot of your donation confirmation + amount.
  • Attach a photo of the kitty you’d like me to draw.

That’s it!

If you’d like to join me as I draw these requests live, I will be livestreaming at my twitch channel from 8am PST until I get too sleepy on Friday June 2!

You can donate at any time before the stream, and if you can’t attend the livedraw, that’s ok! I will email you the finished drawing πŸ™‚

The kitties say thank you!!!!

A photo of two of my foster kitties, Setsuna and Towa
Banner for walk for the kitties
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